Tuesday 31 May 2011

Last Afternoon in Springtime

Sat on the laptop at Em's parents house. Birdsong. Sunlight instead of yesterdays rain. There is a fly buzzing about the room. Winnie the dog's footsteps clatter on the wooden floor. The fly buzzing acts as a reminder that this is the last day of Spring, and that, tomorrow, summer begins.
Head back from Worcester this afternoon - the bus to Birmingham, then the train from Birmingham down to Brighton. We get back, hopefully, about 11:00pm. Then a too short sleep and back into work for 9:00am tomorrow morning.
The light here has a cleaner bluer quality than the yellow dusty light of Brighton, and on the train journey back the landscape will reflect this shift too, from the lush green over-and-undergrowth of Worcestershire to the dusty, sparse and somehow lacking geography of Sussex.