Tuesday 1 January 2013

Tarot Card Moon

I walk Em home about 1:00am, through the streets unfamiliar with their busyness; people leaving house parties, getting into cars, groups of one or two, noisily moving through the usually emptied streets, a solitary stumbler whose eyes are sharp as suspicion. Something predatory there.
When I get back home, I am still hungry. Make some cheese on toast, flick through the television. Go to bed about 2:30am.
Welcome to 2013.
I wake at 10:00am. Drag myself out of bed. A cup of tea and the living room. Flick through the television and start to read Proust's Remembrance of Things Past. After a while I become restless, do some drawing instead. Something I began early last summer. This already has a title, Our Lady of Bulletbelts and Laundry Days showing the figure of a woman against a background of a weedy embankment above which hangs a washing line. A strange saint for strange days. I can't help but think the moon that would shine for her would be a tarot card moon, and I can't help bit think this because the tarot card moon was mentioned in a song I have been listening to. Can't remember,-don't know the title, but it was on the Boyd Rice / Death in June album collaboration Alarm Agents. 
Em comes round about 1:00pm, mirroring the time she left twelve hours before. We go down the beach which is crowded with people, probably because of the bright blue skies and even brighter sun. Hundreds of people, all wrapped up in scarves and coats and new years cheer, a myriad of out of season holiday makers, -but they probably all live here. Long lines of people at the seafront coffee stalls mean no coffee (I have no patience to wait) so I watch the foamy exuberance of the sea instead.