Friday 29 August 2014

The Wanted Autumn of Ghosts

Well, here we are, the end of another summer.
The days vacillitate from being autumnal to being summery (kind of), and end up feeling like neither. When I leave work at 9:00pm now, it is dark. The air is still humid though - though nothing like the heatwave days - but the shadows have a softer look about them, and the leaves on the trees have that washed out quality to them. Walking to work yesterday, I noticed a few of the first autumnal leaves on the ground.
There's a chill in the air this morning though - not unpleasant - and I am able to forget - temporarily - that I am working 48 hours next week - to make the most of the current wages before they plummet thanks to the company I work for being bought out.
It's still August, it's still summer, just, but I'm headed toward the wanted autumn of ghosts I feel wending it's way here.