Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 is a Lost Year

The last morning of 2013. A grey year this one. I won't miss it. The kind of year that just wasn't fun, where I just felt lost and uninterested, where time didn't seem to be mine. Even when I had those two months between jobs, my time didn't seem to be mine - even if that was down to me worrying about the future. No real progression this year. Savings nearly gone thanks to those two months off, and the job I'm in now - though less stressful than my last one - is not ideal. I go back to work on January 2nd, and I've been dreading it for days. The gallows. I don't think I'll pass probation (comes to an end at the end of January, a months time). I didn't have this work dread when I worked at the petrol station or Telegen. I didn't have any money either, and I didn't like working all over the weekend when I was at the petrol station. I did get to go to America though, for my cousin James' wedding - and met my cousins for the first time - and other relatives I'd not seen for years. I've done a lot of artwork this year - more so than any other year I think. I set up my facebook art-page Witch Factory, which has been one of the best things I've done for a while - and I've met some interesting people through that (well, online).
Anyhow, goodbye 2013... I feel ambiguous about you. Even at this late stage.