Tuesday 1 December 2009

Three Dream Fragments.

C. had joined a Christian Cult. AM, her boyfriend was not too pleased at this. JW and I were investigating this cult, as part of unspecified studies. As part of our studies we have to go through a 'rebirthing ritual'. I am suddenly concerned at this, and am worried that going through this ritual may somehow mean that I will become brainwashed. Standing in a queue with JW, voicing our sudden concerns.

A flooded industrial room, open to the outside. Wading through knee deep water. Pipes. Long oblong pieces of machinery. With A. Turn one of the pieces of machinery over. Am pleased to see that it is some kind of sideboard for a bedroom. Realise I am in a bedroom. The water seems to drain away. It would make quite a nice bedrrom I think. I am suddenly sad because I have to leave it.

Looking back over a stile at a field. On the other side of a field is another stile. There is a sequence of fields connected by stiles. I have just come across the fields and over the stiles. Summer night. With someone else, possibly JW. The sequence of fields looks very alluring, and I am please with the sudden revelation that I can come back when I am alone.