Saturday 27 March 2010

Joys of a Lukewarm Cold

Yesterdays hangover necessitated an early bedtime - 5:00pm if I remember rightly. After a night of deep and restless dreams, I woke this morning shortly before the alarm at 8:00am.
I was still feeling ill, and the headache and sore throat, and slight discomofrt in the nose area, has led me to conclude I may, in fact, have some kind of cold. This is a novelty for me. I had a cold at Christmas for about a day, but I can't remember the last time I had a cold.
This does not feel like it will be a particularly bad or heavy cold. In fact, there are hardly any physical symptoms at all, just a vague feeling of not being well, and a slightly higher than normal temperature. There are, however, the accompanying mental symptoms which are far more interesting.
That feeling of being spaced out is evident, of feeling very, very daydream-y. I'm doing some overtime on a Saturday, and walking from the office across the call floor is interesting. Everyone takes on a slightly unreal cast, as if they are moving too fast, or are figures in a dream.
I am alone in the office, sat in the black leather chair. The fan is on, and attempting to cool me down. It makes a very soporific sound, all drawn out like the sea or a distant motorway...
Strangely enough, despite being mildly ill, I have done more work than I would do on a normal day.
Ah well.
The joys of a lukewarm cold.