Wednesday 28 April 2010

Bits of Artwork

These are all the pictures I have up on my facebook page. None of them are my particular favourites, but seem to be the only ones I have a digital record of. I really must get round to photographing some pieces of artwork I actually like at some point. Oh well. I could never get my scanner to work, so these were all photographed using a digital camera.
Hmm. As they say,

Painted in the July of 2008, one of my rare expeditions into the world of painting. Done in acrylics on a really small canvas - the only way I'm actually able to finish anything. Think it was A4 size.

This would have been done during 2008 as well. I have nothing to say about this at all. In fact, I don't even remember drawing it.

This was inspired by the song 'Wooden Leg' by And Also The Trees, drawn in the spring of 2008.

The above three drawings were produced while working on an inbound customer service campaign at my current abode of work. I had so much time, I would just sit and draw all day. Don't have anything else to add apart from that though.

This drawing I remember starting in the Pavilion Gardens, either in the March or April of 2007. I always associate this piece with moving out of the hellhole that was my studio flat on Buckingham Street, and into the palatial heaven of Wilbury Crescent... Now I'm back in a Buckingham Street like place again. Oh well...

2008? It could have been 2007. I have nothing to say about this drawing at all. Can't even remember doing it.

Before I started work at the call centre, I worked in a petrol station for the embarassingly long period of five and a half years. Much the same as working in the call centre, I would sit and draw all day. The above three drawings were produced in very early 2007.

The above two pieces, also drawn at the petrol station, are now somewhere in Canada. Gifts to someone I am now no longer in contact with.

A dreadful painting. Awful, awful, awful. This was painted in late summer 2008.

Despite the limitations of my skills as a painter, I am quite fond of this one. I gave it to my parents as a Christmas present for Christmas 2009. Think I, started this in the winter of 2006, and finally finished it winter of 2009.

The last of the three paintings I did over the summer of 2008. I worked on this at the call centre for a while, but then I realised that perhaps sitting at my desk with acrylics and brushes may well come to the attention of the management, who may not be quite as agreeable to the idea of telephone insurance campaigns combined with abstract surrealism.