Tuesday 20 April 2010

Seven Things Yearned for at Work on a Sunny Afternoon

An October railway station under a daytime moon. Set amongst fields still warm with summer, but the air ice-cube cool, and the sky that deep and vast autumn blue.

Amongst trees at the bottom of a forgotten and ramshackle garden. Hidden from the house by a circle of trees, and the grass covered with old autumn leaves. Bright summer sun falling on the cool shade of a shed, and beyond the garden, over an overgrown hedge the sound of a river that no-one has ever seen.

Returning from London on another summers day. A bag of comics from a second hand comic shop in Harrow. Perhaps an album too, retro-thrash metal, teenage echoes. Looking out of the tube train window as the landscape winds home.

Lost in the woods, and not particularly wanting to be found.

A winters day in an old house in the country. That cold air, and bony wind clattering against windowpanes. The morning after a blowy night, the week before Christmas and not having anything to do that day but read and sleep and wonder about the unexplored confines of the house.

The springtime of my seventeenth year, if only because I would do almost everything differently.

This autumn to come, because sometimes there are glimpses of things on horizons.