Monday 7 June 2010

The Kindness of People

Meet Sarah on Friday at the bottom of my road. Hot sun and June announcing that summer is here. Walk into town with her. We stop and talk to the Big Issue seller outside of HMV. When she hears of Sarah and mine's money woes she offers us vouchers for free coffee at Greggs. Her kindness was quite staggering. It is interesting that those who have the least are quite often the ones most willing to share what they have.
Meet Jen in the Pavilion Gardens after I leave Sarah. Coffee and tarot cards. A man practises tai-chi in the shadow of the Brighton Pavilion. Great Indian shaped globes and domes and spires. Fluid body movement mirroring architecture.
Down the beach for evening. An impromptu barbecue. Afterwards end up in the pub with Flo (My landlord from years ago. Flo is a nickname. His real is Paul) who buys me drinks all night. Again, the kindness of the people...
Saturday update my cv. Joe comes down for a last weekend in Brighton before he leaves for Poland on the 17th. End up in the Basketmakers. have only a couple of halves before heading back to Andy's where everyone else drinks gin, and I have a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich.
Oh, such a risky day yesterday... so very nearly slept all day. Wake up at 2:42pm. An hour later I find myself drifting back into sleep. The day will be wasted. But sleep is calling. Sleep is here. No. the phone rings. Jen. Meet her in the Pavilion gardens. A beautiful day with only threats of rain. She lends me £20 and we have a few drinks in the pub.
Again, the kindness of people.
I won't forget it.