Monday 30 April 2012

A Dimension Away

A sudden breath of summer when walking home. Heavy yellow scent of early June days, and I look up and watch the sky. the sudden M.C.Escher perspective of New Church Road, I'm still by the churchyard, all neat symmetry of tombs and street drinkers. Light dusting of green on the trees, shimmery and vague. Still got to cross Sackville Road, and it all seems a dimension away.
Yesterday afternoon, with Andy in the kitchen. The kettle has just boiled. I point out that it's Sunday afternoon, and because we're both in on Sunday afternoon, we're bound to run out of electricity. I have forgotten about the kettle. I switch it on to boil the water again.
We have run out of electricity.
In my room. Sunday evening darkening to night. My I-pod is on random, and both quote the same line by H.P.Lovecraft; 'Not in the spaces we know but between them...'
There are rules to coincidences though. If something happens three times it is a pattern, and ceases to be a coincidence, and if something happens twice it is only a sign, perhaps, to be on your guard.
I woke in the night from dreams I couldn't remember, and lay in the dark of the ox-hour lots, listening for footsteps out on the landing I don't remember hearing.
I fell asleep before I could remember.