Saturday 1 September 2012

Overheard Telephone Conversation

After work this morning I came home and fell asleep. Afternoon dreams, deep-coma drift. A sudden jarring awake. A woman's voice in the passageway just below my window. An older woman. I assume she works in the coffee shop (the passageway is a dead end and runs between this building and the coffee shop). She is talking to someone on  the phone, and sounds disappointed and angry. I only hear one side of the conversation of course. She is trying to convince someone to go to their job. I assume it is her child I cannot help but think is a son. She refuses to phone them - he must do it, not her. She listens to him 'and where would I get the phone number from anyway?'. She tries to convince him to go to work, but with little success. She says something about him regretting it, then says that if he turned up now he would be 'fired on the spot'. She says that he sounds 'off his face'. I start to drift back to sleep again. Her voice jars me awake once more. 'Don't take any of those legal highs. They can kill people'. I feel terribly sorry for her, whoever she is. There is a deep sadness in her voice.
I go to the kitchen and make a cup of tea, so I don't have to hear it any more.