Saturday 3 July 2010

Anti-Summer Manifesto

Walked into town yesterday and felt my limbs were made of concrete. A slight headache and a feeling of utter, utter exhaustion, like I was coming down with something. Not coming down with anything though, only that annual summer fever.
I like summer because it means I can be outdoors, but it comes with a price, and that price, for me anyway, is this summer fever. I think I don't react well to the heat, or rather, the humid heat. Makes my body feel all troubled and unquiet, and makes me wish I could just float about like a spirit until autumn.
An unpopular view of course. Everyone I know loves summer, and I like it too, but not as much as autumn or spring, or even the early part of winter. Summer doesn't feel like home.
Everything seems so stagnant in summer too. The morning is the same as lunchtime is the same as afternoon is the same as evening. Then there are a few short hours of night which just feel the same as day except without the light.
Being outside in summer is good; reading in parks, walking through woods or listening to music at the beach, but being inside is the worst. I really must spend some time inside today, to tidy my bedsit... Nothing cosy about summer inside, just a slightly edgy feeling of needing something else; rain beating against the window, the smoky smell of October afternoons, the racket of the wind in distant streets, the novelty of fresh chill in mouthfuls of September air, adrenalin like that moment before a kiss...
Only two months now until September, until I reach my home country again. Sumnmer is a foreign land to me, and I am starting to long for home.