Saturday 17 July 2010

Whatever Comes to Mind

The curtains are open, and the buildings across the street are bright with 7:30pm sunlight. The sky is a blue-grey colour, like a badly mixed shade of paint for a painting never to be finished.
On my stereo, Sabbat's 'Dreamweaver, Reflections of a Yesterday' album, bought a few days ago for £4.00 from a second hand shop. I remember buying it on cassette tape in Worcester over the summer of 1989. I was 17...
The heatwave is interior. Andy was saying the same. Summer-exhaustion, limbs made of concrete and too much light.
A mirror by the sink. A silver cup from my sister's wedding holding paintbrushes next to an empty water bottle and a cleaning spray.
A statue of an elephant on top of a pile of CDs facing the door. My old landlady said that elephant figurines should always face the door.
I remember our old dining room at Woodstock Drive. We had left our Christmas decorations well into the new year of 1986. I thought this might bring us bad luck so I took them down.
The houses of Woodstock Drive. So many houses they could swallow us. Suburbia is a carnivore.