Saturday 15 January 2011

Five Notes in a Week haunted by Late November

1: I finally bought 'Wolf Solent' by John Cowper Powys for £4:00 from Snoopers Paradise in town today. I am hoping I will enjoy it. Over the past season - well, since last summer really - I've not really enjoyed reading new books that m,uch. Particularly not fiction. I don't know if this is the books I'm reading, or just me, but the last, well, year or so really, since finishing Bolano's 2166 last  February. I have tried East European magic realism, contemporary literature, modern steam punk, fantasy, non fiction, J-horror... and nothing seems to hit the spot. I still read a lot of course, but mostly old stuff, short stories and the like. I hope this reading drought ends soon.

2: I really did enjoy using the writing prompt found here. I am very much looking forward to the prompt posted up next Monday. Personally, the thing I found most fascinating about writing it was how, instinctively, I came back to the things which I have always been fascinated by, namely time and the power of memory to haunt us. I wish i could comment on Na's entry too, but alas my commenting facilities are still down. I really must get it sorted out. I am sure it is something quite simple. I wish also that I could work out how to put the accent above the a in her name. I wish I would also stop going off on tangents.

3: A dream last night where I couldn't quite work out whether or not I was living back in Worcestershire. Walking with Andy through slushy landscapes. The courtyard of a farm. Pointing out to Andy the strange rural-industrial signs on top of a barn, advertising obscure farming machinery.

4: Strange white January days. Not anything really. Both bleak and clean. No weather. The days are getting slightly shorter though, but when I wake in the mornings it is still dark.

5: A week in which I have been haunted by the song 'Late November' by Sandy Denny. I bought the album last Saturday after reading s short article about her in that mornings paper. An utterly creepy song, made even more so by the fact that I can't quite work out just why its so strangely eerie.