Friday 21 January 2011

Looking for France

They put up strange shields over the glass of the windows at work. It gives the outside a strange twilight look. The sea is in a permanent dusk. I have a new desk at work now, which means that, when standing I have a perfect view of the ocean. I drink coffee and stare hypnotised at the waves. Well, between calls anyway. Someone said to me I looked so far away today. I nearly replied that I was staring at the horizon and looking for France.
Which I actually was doing.
I couldn't work out if it was clouds or Europe I was seeing.

Worcester has haunted me this week. I'm not sure why. I think I dreamt of it a few times over the past couple of night. Stood at the base of London Road hill, looking up into an autumnal distance. I don't know what it is I miss so much about Worcester. I have a strange longing for the place. I wish I could wake up there tomorrow. Just spend the day wondering around before heading back to Brighton again. One of the things I like about Worcester is the oldness of the place.
Brighton sometimes seems too new somehow.

No other news from Brighton, but there seems a very edgy vibe out on the streets tonight. A sense of, perhaps, encroaching violence. Maybe its the full moon. If it is a full moon. if it does effect people.
Think I'll stay in though.
Just to be on the safe side.