Saturday 16 November 2013

Under the Trees

Walking back home from work last night, and the air is clear and I can see stars. It feels like snow - already! - though surely this must be a mistake, as it still feels like it should be late summer. But no - late summer is long gone - even autumn is passing away and despite the rapidly depleting leaves on the trees, this is the beginning of winter.
There's a full moon high up in the sky, far, far back, though it's light is lost amidst the street lights. I watch it through the branches of the trees as I walk down Temple Gardens. The trees are part of the grounds of some large house - or series of houses. This house - or series of houses - is not residential, though I am unsure as to their function. I imagine it to be some educational facility, some obscure private college. The trees tower over the path. A stone wall, the height of a man, stops access to this miniature wood, and the trees actually grow from head height - the top of the wall is actually the ground the trees grow from. It looks quite suspicious, these huge trees, growing from this - I'm not sure what you call it - kind of hillock in the middle of the city. Last night it struck me how alluring this wooded area was - all the more alluring as it is on private ground and cannot gain access to it (though I suppose it would not really be that hard).
I watched the moon through the branches. Wondered what was buried beneath the trees.
It really has begun to feel Christmassy now - adverts on the television, Christmas lights in town, and this blog approaching it's fourth anniversary, which means its outlasted any relationship I've had.
Well, Saturday morning, and it's cold and wintry but sunny again. Cup of tea to drink, then off to Hove sorting office to pick up a parcel that didn't get delivered yesterday.