Monday 30 August 2010

The Floating Head

Woke up sometime in the small hours. Bedsit-quiet, fragments of now forgotten dreams already fading. Suddenly aware of my girlfriend sitting up next to me. Still half asleep I didn't say anything, but then though she might be sleepwalking (well sleep-sitting.) Suddenly frightened by this - there is nothing as utterly terrifying as the dead eyes of a sleepwalker. Now, this is where things get complicated in my memory - I had just woken up after all. I suddenly sat up too - I'm not sure why I thought I should suddenly sit up, or how this would make the potential of sleepwalking eyes any less frightening but I did. I turned and discovered that my girlfriend was not sitting up at all, but was fast asleep. However, there was now a head floating above my girlfriend, one which seemed to possess a rather, well, malevolent countenance. It was staring ahead, profile to me. The head then faded out, and I fell back to sleep.
Was this a dream or a hypnopompic hallucination? (A hypnopompic hallucination is an image that is seen upon suddenly waking and is, in fact, very common. They seem to have an external reality, but are in fact 'dream projections'. They last for a few seconds only before fading. Images upon going to sleep are known as hypnogogic hallucinations.) Now, was this a hypnopompic hallucination or had I dreamed the whole thing? Had I dreamed that I had awoken and thought my girlfriend was sitting up in bed, before realising she wasn't and there was a rather alarming floating head next to me?
The halfway land between sleep and waking is a strange one, that is if I had awoken at all, but I was pleased at this sudden startling occurence. Life is strange, but sleep is even stranger.

And also as strange, I have just realised that I have written an entire post and my keyboard seems to be working perfectly! No more having to edit every damn post a million times now, still inevitably missing one of the many typographical errors that littered every sentence.
Unless of course I'm dreaming, and I'll wake up tomorrow and find my keyboard as useless as ever.
Why has it mysteriously fixed itself? It was making telephone ringing noises only a week ago...

Maybe it was the floating head...