Tuesday 10 August 2010

The Seagulls are Silenced, Hello to the Road Drill

Grey skies and rain. The sound of a drill in the street outside. Aside from this everything else is quiet. Even the seagulls have been silenced.
A week into Augst, and every part of me is pointed toward autumn. Two weeks left until I start my new job. Well, hopefully. I am somewhat concerned about my employment history as they go back ten years, and numerous places I have worked for have closed down or changed management. Havent heard anything back yet. A time of waiting.
My blog entries have become somewhat lessened of late, thanks to my none-working laptop keyboard, which doesn't pick up every stroke. This means I have to go back afterwards and edit everything. Time consuming, and writing with this somewhat disabled keyboard seems to interrupt my train of thought. I really should use internet cafes. There are enough of them about, but the indolence of this summer seems to seep right through me.
My god, the seagulls really are quiet. I could drift and pretend its a winters day. It really is that silent. The humming of he refrigerator suddenly seems loud.
Em has gone back home for a coupkle of weeks. I miss her. Chapter three in this strange summer. The first chater being when I returned from Worcester into the outlands of unemployent (the endless long walks to the Portslade job centre, survivng on noodles and tuna for days). The second chapter began of course with Em, and the accompanying humid heat of high summer. That sense of there not beng anything other than summer. This is the third chapter, in some ways the most uncertain.
(stop thinking - stop thnking about unemployment references - stop thinking)
Autumn casts her shadow back here. All I can feel, though there is really little sign of her yet. The light in the evenings is different though. Clearer and sharper. The darkness seems deeper. Drifting off into pools of shadow between the lamplight, night-rivers running over walls and under trees. Willow-shade sea, and the wind that starts to murmer of black hills and sharp air.
No seagulls, only the road drill, and a waiting for summer to end.