Tuesday 30 October 2012

A Year like a Sunday Afternoon

A grey year this one, like someone has mixed all the colours wrongly and been left with is a mess the colour of drizzly skies. \Just one of those times, not one where anything particularly bad had happened, (mostly) but one where everything seems uninspired and not free and stuck.
Feeling sorry for myself without having anything to feel sorry for.
I knew this period of melancholy was deepening when I realized that I wasn't actually looking forward to a week off work next week. I wasn't dreading it either, but it all just seemed so predictable. As soon as I start the week off I'll just keep counting down the hours till I'm back at work again... like a Sunday afternoon stretched over a week.
I'm sure this will pass.
In the meantime I'll take solace in cups of tea and the novelty of the new cold.