Wednesday 24 October 2012

Summery Sky

Walking home again.
Exactly the same shade of sky as yesterday, except with a tint of twilight-red in the white / grey cloud. Yesterday felt like a winter light, but this felt like a summer light, or rather, a very early summer night, perhaps no later than the first half of May. It put me in mind of the way that when the days start to lengthen, places seem to somehow deepen. An average street seems somehow longer, the local park seems full with extra nooks and crannies that weren't there before, and on the outskirts of town you swear that there will be a new suburb that you could not reach in winter. There was a time when I was as fascinated by the mysteries of summer as I am now (and have always been) of winter or autumn. Tonight put me in mind of that fascination that I haven't felt for a long time now.