Monday 20 May 2013

Old Premonitions

It was three years ago that I boarded the train for a weekend in Worcester. It turned out to be more memorable than I was expecting; on the morning of the first day there (three years back from tomorrow) I learnt that Telegen, the old call centre, had gone into administration and I had lost my job. I remember all of that weekend being heightened, even hallucinatory - Worcester seemed drenched in a kind of unreal power. I was immensely worried of course, but I remember there was something underneath that - that sense of almost occult magic. The whole weekend in memory is one of those psychic checkpoints we all have. The fact that it is three years since then gives me a sense of pause. Three years? Where did all the time go? In some ways, the last three years have been fantastic (mostly all connected with Em, even if we are no longer seeing each other) but in many ways they have been very difficult years too (mostly connected to work, and the effect it has had on my life). Three years ago now though, I was hanging out with Joe Bird, still had short hair and a full beard, and we were waiting for Joe Walmsley to arrive. Tempted though I am to say I had no idea of the news that was coming the next day, I did have a vaguely premonitionary sense of something about the weekend, and even wrote in here about it too.
I don't think premonitionary is an actually word, but you know what I mean.