Sunday 14 August 2011

Attempt to Interview Emily whilst Waiting for Dinner at my Parents House

Me: How did you sleep last night?
Em: (laughs) You're not going to put this on are you? Very silly. (continues laughing)
Stu: Okay. Lets try another question. (Cannot think of any question to ask) Favourite month?
Em: Um... April.
Stu: Any reasons? I thought summer would have been your favourite?
Em: I like spring (laughs)
Stu: How do you feel about autumn?
Em: Stop it!
Stu: I'll take off the 'ums' (They have now all been taken off)
Em: And the laughs. And everything I say. You're not really going to put this on are you?
Stu: Yes I am.
Em: You're not.
Stu: Yes I am.
Em: Its not going to be very interesting though is it?