Saturday 6 August 2011

A Chinese Girl opens a Folder

Sticky claustrophobia, a clogged up grey, -well, not quite heat- but I can't think of any other name for it.
In Brighton Library, using the last nine minutes of time after Em who was looking up films at the cinema for tonight. Joe is somewhere about, using another computer to book his ticket back to Portsmouth or Chichester on Monday.
Weird silent library computer room. Like some ghost of Worcester University years, except people only used the internet then to look at bands. A small Chinese girl sits opposite me, stares into her screen with perplexed intensity. The hum of the fluoroscent lights are loud, like a continual tide crashing on a battered beach.
The Chinese girl opens a folder.
Busy four hours at work this morning. Exhausted after my half pint in the Prestonville last night, the hours dragged by.
Hopefully the drizzle will ease off in the country.
I must go and find Joe and Em.
Em is in the travel section, and Joe, god knows where.