Sunday 15 January 2012

Notes from the Wrong Side of Midnight

Just turned midnight. Begin the long fall into Sunday.
The ever present laws of entropy continue to make their presence known. Objects and devices continue to break down (admittedly this is partly because I tried to 'fix' the stereo lead) and my body seems to have slowed as it gets older. Perhaps this is an attempt to actually slow the passage of time down. Age 40, which once seemed ridiculously far away is now, not even on the horizon, but just a couple of months away. Glad I've survived my thirties (well nearly) but I'm sure I should have been 27 or 32 a while longer.
Snow-cold is back. Grey and unrestful skies, though the temperature gauge at Seven Dials showed it to be 8 degrees, which was far warmer than it seemed. Certainly not warm now on the wrong side of midnight and wrapped in a quilt on my bed. Only a cup of tea warms me, and I don't usually mind the cold.
Maybe I'm just getting older.
I really wished I hadn't tried to fix the stereo lead. This means that I can't listen to my i-pod through the stereo any more, and will have to find all my CDs to play, and to stack up in untidy towers in the space next to the stereo.
Oh well. Everything breaks down eventually.