Saturday 2 June 2012

Notes from the Jubilee Siege -3:28pm

1) If I am out at the front of the flat, I can hear loud 'pop' music of a nefarious quality. This began about fifteen minutes ago, when Em had left to go to work.
2) There is the happy laughter of teenagers. A laughter that seems slightly old fashioned, as if it is a Jubilee celebration of 1977 not 2012.
3) Through the frosted glass of the front door I can see figures moving about the Mews.
4) Em, before she left, noted that she saw 'trestle tables' being organised. I was too afraid to come to the window to look in case I was espied and had to 'join in'. Em also noted that she could see no 'cakes' yet. Her tone indicated disappointment.