Monday 11 June 2012

Rain Storms in Malta

It started raining yesterday afternoon and didn't stop until I woke this morning.
I had to walk to Sainsburys last night and got soaked, and after spending all day in the house, needed more of a walk, so headed off towards Portslade. Narrow houses hiding under sumemry trees, and the rain makes the shadows beneath them even deeper, more luxurious.
All darkness in summer is elegant.
I remember writing in a notebook over December of 1996 of how a rain storm reminded me of Malta. This was written deep in the night, during those phases of crushing insomnia that used to plague me during my twenties. I remember lying in bed smoking, the clock inching toward 4:00am, deep winter blackness, craving for sleep that always remained just out oif reach.
It never rained in Malta though. I don't know why that rain reminded me.