Wednesday 13 June 2012


Sometimes I should like to slip through a gap in the mundaness of the everyday - not to find anything more fantastic, but to find myself somewhere more slowed down - and mostly empty of people. I'd like to walk, for a short while - or a long while (just a while really, a 'while' that would refer to place rather than time) a country of narrow winding lanes cutting through tangled woods. Spinnies on distant fields of overgrown wheat. Blue skies like that turn during September into autumn. Just walk this countryside, without rush or haste. lost in a maze of stiles, a labyrinth of ruins, an architecture of meadows. As I get older I find my need for solitude increases. A craving to be free of voices and footsteps and conversations. Tired even of my own voice, I only want to converse this afternoon with silence.