Wednesday 8 August 2012

Notes from a Semi-Autumnal Morning

A calmness. Something, slow and deep and daydreamy. A feeling of waking up into something else that has been awake forever - but still dreaming. A haziness to the light - breathe in the light and taste all your old too-early semi-autumnal mornings - getting ready for the school in the hushed-dark house - last minute packing before a long train journey. The first day in a new job perhaps. You always need to get up ridiculously early for the first day of a new job. I don't know why.
I glimpsed a shot of the Mews whilst waiting for the kettle. One van outside of one of the workshops that had been there all night. The fresh-glisten of recent rain on the ground. That almost-smell - if only I had od opened the window...
The morning is muted, and even the sounds of odd birds and lone cars seem distant. The silence round everything is powerful, and has pushed everything to some horizon. A horizon I must move toward in quarter of an hour when I leave for work and leave all this slow and daydreamy morning behind.