Thursday 2 August 2012

Perhaps an Unearthed Light Arcing

In the Pavilion Gardens at lunchtime with Em. Cups of tea under the trees. Something autumnal in the clarity of the distance. Sharp paths edging past the unseen arches up London Road, a quick shift over and knife sharp distances are lost to Lewes Road. Those places I have not walked for years.
Walking home and I don't remember something because it never happened, but; an imagined fareweel at a train station. Shallow platforms, and the railway tracks are Sunday-emptied like they could only be over the summer of 1994. Ice-cream heavy air and a return back to cool shadowed rooms I would soon be leaving.
Never happened but I remember it anyway.
So tired I could sleep for years.
Wake in autumns where the afternoons brood over their own memories of things that have never happened.