Friday 1 February 2013

Skeleton in the Attic

I have lately been thinking about buying a ladder which will gain us access to the mysterious loft above us. Well, only mysterious, because we don't have access to it now. Andy has been up there, and has confirmed there is nothing mysterious there. Nonetheless, lofts are always mysterious, and as I walked to work I imagined what might be found up there. Inevitably I began to imagine finding skeletons up there - well one skeleton anyway. What would we do, I wondered, if we did find a skeleton up there? I know that Andy has confirmed there are no skeletons in the attic (well, nothing mysterious anyway) but perhaps there is some distant corner of the loft where a tiny skeleton might be hidden? I suppose we would have to ring the police... would we be scared or sad? And how would a skeleton get up there anyway? I was quite getting into this fantasy of skeletons forund in lofts when It came time to go into Sainsburys to buy my apples for the day. I was still caught up in the daydream, and it was a sudden jolt when I read on local paper the Argus's front cover Skeleton found in flat. The story concerned a landlord breaking into his flat where the rent had not been paid for a while, and finding, behind an armchair in the living room, the skeleton of his tenant that had lain there undiscovered for two years. The other tenants in the house of flats said that they did not notice anything amiss, and thought the man had just moved on. 'We keep ourselves to ourselves here', one tenant said. while another said there had been a 'slight musty odour' outside his flat door.
I hope the smell in our flat is just damp and not anything else...