Tuesday 5 March 2013


Subtle shift in the light - or the air - some undefined element, and though it's still bone-crushingly cold, it feels more like spring now than winter.
I slept on the floor again last night, which is good for my back - and surprisingly comfortable. I would have hoped that this would have led to more interesting dreams, but to no avail.
There is - or was - some seagull on the (presumably) roof of the house next door - what a bloodcurdling noise! Maybe it was the seagull I saw last night, stalking along the flat roof with a sour and primordial expression on its face. It walked with the gait of a bad tempered mafia hitman - possibly - I've never seen any in real life, and because I don't watch films that much, even  less in films.
I probably pass by assassins every day.
Ah well. Five minutes till another machine-life day at work.