Tuesday 21 September 2010

Warnings about Melancholy Factories

Why is getting up in the morning so difficult? Despite having eight hours sleep last night - deep sleep as well - when that alarm went off at 7:00am I couldn't ever imagine feeling awake again. Then dangerous and foolish ideas begin to occur, such as 'snoozing the alarm'. There is the danger of not snoozing properly and falling back to sleep ad being late, not that snoozing ever makes you feel any less tired. I know this, and that the best thing to do is to have a shower and a cup of tea. This does actually wake you up. When that alarm goes off though, 'another ten minutes to wake me up' seems the best idea in the world. Not that I did though. I heaved myself out of bed, had a shower, and now feel relatively awake. I can't really look forward to a lie in on my day off though, because any time spent in bed on a day off seems a waste...
When I first woke this morning, a little under an hour ago, I remembered my dreams quite well. Having a shower has devoured any memory of what I was dreaming about though. All I recall is something to do with 'melancholy factories', a shop in the middle of nowhere, and a woman with a West Midlands accent giving me a loud warning about something.
Possibly about the perils contained in gloomy sites of industial commerce...