Monday 25 October 2010

First of the Shifted Mornings

Shifted by an hour, a week of later shifts have now started. Today I begin work at 10:00am, and for the rest of the week at 11:00am. I finish at 7:00pm all week. With the clocks going back this weekend, on Hallowe'en, this means that it will not be until next year that I shall leave work whilst it is light.
We are deep in autumn now. Those feverish days of summer are all but forgotten. Already, Christmas adverts have begun to appear in shop and restaurant windows, aome kind of light to guide us through the welcome bleak days of November.
A night of strange dreams last night; watching a Star Trek episode that never existed. In a garden of a twilight house, thankful I had access to a small clump of trees. A two headed bull comes up to the fence and smiles at me. Returning to my room and discovering it had changed, my initial alarm evaporating when I realised that it was me who had changed things around but had forgotten.
The sunlight is up against the curtains. The House of Bedsits is quiet, and the penultimate phase of the year has now begun.