Sunday 31 October 2010

Lost Without Maps on an All-Hallows Sea

The last post of October.

Feel that time has both stopped tonight, and also rushing forward to the inevitability of work tomorrow morning.
The evening feels still though, as if the manic forward momentum of the past year or so has temporarily been stilled. I'm not entirely sure why. Everything beyond tonight suddenly seems a long time ago, probably because the last few hours (spent reading blogs about comics) is the first time in a long time where I've not felt that pressure of doing something productive.
Can hear the first of fireworks out on the streets. Can't believe it's Hallowe'en night. Doesn't even feel remotely Hallowe'en-ish.
When I wake up tomorrow it will be November.
Waste time scattering these words before sleep as my cup of tea is still too hot to drink...

After I had sorted my room out, ready for the landlord and painter's visit tomorrow, I felt sorely tempted to go for a walk. It was about 9:00pm, and suddenly the thought of strolling along the Old Shoreham Road seemed immensely appealing. I don't know why. I was still quite weary from the walk I had with Em up along St James Street and the beach from earlier.

I hope I wake before it gets light, with the wind blowing outside, and feeling all comfortable and dreamy in bed, before falling back to sleep again.

A lone car passes by, a firework like a gunshot.
Night in Ciudad Huaraz.
Too cold here to pretend its there.


An aircraft.

A can of air freshener on the sideboard, where my television usually is.
The painting I did over summer looks ancient, a thing from years ago. One day it will be years old, unless it is destroyed first.

Footsteps, heading up the street.

I must remember my headphones are in my pot of paintbrushes.

This time last night, it would have been 20 minutes past midnight.

Last few mouthfuls of tea, still too hot, another firework-gunshot, and then a drifting into sleep, and when the first alarm call of November goes off it will still feel far, far too early.
It always does.