Saturday 12 November 2011

Unsuccessfully Rewiring Lost Post

Just managed to delete an entire post by moving the laptop from my room into the living room so I could watch the Big Bang Theory. I really can't be bothered to write the whole post out again, so to summarise the post:
1) Went out after work last night. Drank 4 and a 1/2 pints of Tetleys and an absinthe.
2) The guy in 'Hove Kebab House' tried to rip me off 50pence when I had yet another doner kebab. this was strange as I was thinking he was going to that exact same thing.
3) Went to work this morning. Four tortuously slow hours.
4) Physical hangover not too bed. Hangover gives me that melancholy, empty feeling instead. My stomach does feel slightly, well, disquieted though.
5) Whilst eating a sandwich on Western Road, I am attacked by a seagull which manages to steal half my sandwich.
This was as far as I had got.
Can't be bothered to write anything properly now. Still pissed off at that lost post.