Monday 31 December 2012


Another year done, another twelve months to be filed away for future reference.
Raining outside.
Sat in the living room with Em who is reading the paper. The lamps are on, a cup of tea is on the table, and I am tired from a long day at work, the constant rain, the wet blue-grey of this winter light and from 2012. Only a few hours left now. I can't help but view 2013 with a degree of suspicion that borders on alarm.
Put this year away anyway, and if we don't exactly start again tomorrow (who wants to always start again anyway?) then there will be the oddly comforting environs of January, a month without masks or romance, but that does have a new Voivod album...
The overtly sensitive fire alarm has gone off (dinner is cooking). I have flicked a towel up at it and the alarm has come crashing down to the floor.
Ah well - Goodbye 2012!