Wednesday 19 December 2012

In the Company of all our Old Dogs

The dream is fading now. This is what I remember.
In a house with my sister - I think that she was living there. Something to do with the upper floors. I open a trapdoor in the ceiling with a long chain. The trapdoor opens showing a whole series of other rooms. I am momentarily afraid. These are haunted rooms. I am afraid I may have released something. We discover that these rooms can be accessed by the stairs - and we have always been able to do this. We explore the dark rooms. Despite the fact these rooms are haunted, there does not seem to be much that is malevolent or truly unsettling here. I go down the stairs in the comapany of all our old dogs Bracken, Bess, Bruno, Bruno II and Misty. It does not bother me that I know all these dogs to have died.