Monday 22 April 2013

Polar Bears

Things spread out, become distant, and all those once-safe things are lost. An ambiguous lost though. They have been here longer than us, and will remain when we're gone. Lost, just the same. Never see the sun fall through certain windows, never watch the sea from a crumbling mine-work I thought I would know till old age, never watch the street lamps switch themselves on in childhood alleys again.
Everything shifts and changes. Ice floes crack, become smaller, and the gaps between the frozen islands we cling to become larger. Gaps full of nasty seas, tides hiding endless abysses of horror and unknowing. Oh, polar bears, hoe can you live like this? I think of you, and you are the perfect metaphor for us all, trying to survive entropy, trying to live with things falling apart.
You can swim, and I can't, and you could plunge into the icy water and survive and I can't.
Sleep the winter, wake the spring. I don't know if you know autumns or summers.
All we know are factories, and I bet the polar bears gave never thought of them at all.