Friday 5 April 2013

Quiet Desperation

Another day at work looms, and facing another 100+ calls. Fortunately I've got the weekend off, so all I've got to do is just concentrate on getting through it, and then I'll have the weekend to get myself together before another week of similar busy-ness. As I'm sitting here drinking my cup of tea (I couldn't face my normal bowl of porridge and only finished half) I start to dread that first shift - those first five hours of taking call after call after call with only a single ten minute break to try and gain some kind of mental recuperation. I lay in bed last night and all I could hear in my head was endless beeps (the signal that another call is coming through) and generic customer-voices. This followed me into sleep where I dreamt of call centres and exhaustion. 
Maybe it will be quieter today.