Saturday 24 August 2013

Back from America

Back from the USA, still feeling slightly jet-lagged and strange - everything made even stranger by the fact that I don't have a job top return to - no post-holiday gallows! As I was lying in bed last night unable to sleep, I realised that it was three years ago to the day that I started my job at the call centre.
My only plan at the moment is to have no plan. To take off two weeks without thinking about the future, jobs, employment, money, which will bring us to the end of the first week of September, and autumn will have begun properly. September is always autumn.
I have been to America of course, which I would have expected my first return to Bridge 39 to have been about, but as there is too much to write about, I'll have to do it by degrees. All that really needs to be said is this; I got to walk through American suburban streets at twilight.