Monday 26 December 2011

136 London Road Dream

I have returned to 136 London Road in Worcester where I lived when I was a student. The estate agents have allowed access to the house - they think I am buying it or something. Alistair is here, Joe too, possibly Sally, and some other people whom I cannot now remember. The house is subtly different to waking life - darker with a more subterranean feel. The house is also different to how it is remembered in the dream. I try to work out how and why some rooms seem to have shifted, some elongating, some shrinking, some actually changing position within the architecture of the house. There is a feeling that, despite the estate agents having allowed us access, that we are not meant to be there - or at least not for long. I want to take some photographs of the house, particularly my old room, two floors up from the twilight- grey living room. No-one else seems to share my reservations at being in the house. Someone has made dinner on the table and made quite a mess. How are we to get this cleaned up before we are found out? In Joe's old room. I look down into the garden, at a gloomy corner below us. 'I remember this!' I think./ Joe's room seems to have moved. I put this down to the passage of time. Perhaps this happens in old houses one has not visited in a while.

At the canal, looking at a photograph of our old dog Bruno. I am with someone else but am not sure who. We are now in the photograph. I call for Bruno to come to me which he does. He is pleased to see me. On the other side of the towpath is a motorway. Busy cars and lorries. I hope Bruno will be alright as he is not one his lead.