Wednesday 15 February 2012

Notes from an Anonymous Day

Slow shift on, year clicks forward. No real news but the days lengthen and the cold snap passes. Looked like spring from the call centre window today, and last night, walking up to Seven Dials with Em it felt almost warm.
One thing I have noticed this year is that there seem to be more homeless people on the streets of Brighton. As I walk down Western Road in the mornings I see them sleeping under sleeping bags in the doorways of shop. I have never noticed so many before. Maybe it is something to do with the homeless shelter closing down. St Patricks? I am sure I passed by tonight and it seemed open for business as usual.
Too much cheap sushi on the way home. Too full up to make dinner properly.
A sudden memory today of walking back from Uxbridge College in 1991. An overwhelming generic atmosphere. It was spring though - I remember the green of the moor, the Middlesex fields, and everything pale and shallow and yellow. In this generic memory it felt like mid-afternoon.
The suddenness of this memory was quite distracting.