Saturday 11 February 2012

Teenage Sky

According to the temperature it is 0 degrees outside, and as has been noted before, this cold snap has bought with it a peculiar side-effect of the act of remembering becoming sharper. Not all the memories it has bought back are of inter seasons strangely, as I would have expected. Over the course of the morning the following have come to my attention:
1) Playing computer games in my bedroom in Ickenham when I was 13. Specifically playing a game called 'Sorcery' on my Amstrad that I had got as a present for the Christmas of 1985. I think the light of today (bright and sharp and icy, if light could be described as such) is responsible for this. I remember my bed in the light that fell from the window, everything blue and unreal -at least in my memory. Waiting for the computer games to load. Sound of Radio Two in the kitchen. The sound of the yellow fluorescent light there, a low comforting humming. Bruno the dog sniffing round the cooker.
2) Listening to Hawkwind's 'In Search of Space' album. I bought this album in the spring of 1988 as I was approaching my GCSEs. I have a specific memory associated with this album. I don't know why. It is of listening to the album at the 223 bus stop at Uxbridge bus station, back of Woolworths, waiting for the bus home. It is sunny in this memory. I may have been off school for GCSEs, though the memory seems to be earlier than exam time...
3) Walking down Woodstock Drive carrying a bag of comics. I am walking under overhanging trees and it is dark. This is a memory from about 1992/very early 1993. The odd thing about this one is that it never happened - or at least not as I am remembering it. It is more like a distillation of memories into a single image. Woodstock Drive in this memory feels ancient and old... as if in the memory I am aware of it being remembered; I know am walking through an old place. At the time of course it was just Woodstock Drive and I had no idea of the mythic power the road - and other roads - would come to hold in the future.
Hmm. Well, all these memories seem to revolve around Ickenham and my teenage years in London suburbia. Looking out of the window now, the sky does seem very reminiscent of the skies out of my bedroom window at Ickenham. Such a fallacy to think that the same sky can fall over different streets, let alone different cities.
Thats all I can be bothered to write anyway. Now playing Hawkwind's 'In Search of Space' album. On CD with bonus tracks... I remember I had it on cassette tape. I wonder what happened to it.
I might go for a walk.
There is that odd listlessness of Saturdays.