Sunday 20 January 2013

Snowy Sunday

Went out for a walk with Em through the snow to Benfield Valley Park. Crunch of boots on the white, a nostalgic sound, mixed with the noise of cooing pigeons. Never noticed that in previous snowfalls.
White sky and no sign of the sun, muted behind all those clouds - and still snowing out there now. Got back just as twiligth had started, and I looked back along the road, and noticed the sky above Portland Road had that violet tinge of portentousness that snowy twilights always have.
I have a slightly sore throat, and my internal organs feel a little too warm - in contrast to my skin which feels a little too warm. My mind feels like it may lapse into a daydream I would find it hard to get out of.
I may have a cold coming, so time to eat dinner and drift in front of bad TV.