Sunday 1 July 2012

The Anonymous Critic, not Julia Holter

I play the new Julia Holter 'Extasis' to someone. She is a bit Kate Bush-esque. The person I am playing it too is a little disparaging; 'it's a bit new-age... sounds quite twee-Japanese'.
I decide to put on Fields of the Nephilim's last album instead.
I tell this person that I am writing what she said about Julia Holter. She looks concerned. 'What if she reads it though? It makes me sound really critical.'
She (the anonymous critic, not Julia Holter) gives me a look that makes me think I had better take out all references to her name (the anonymous critic, not Julia Holter).
So I do.
I quite like the Julia Holter album, but she is right though, it is a bit twee-Japanese and new-agey...