Wednesday 25 July 2012

Random Image that Came to Mind at Work

A caravan park at sunset. A site, not for holidaymakers, but the travelling commuinty. Not full of caravans but trailers. A birds eye view - or a film camera-view perhaps. A slow motion cruise through the late summer air. The maze-like winding and curve of the roads are empty. There is no-one here. Tiny cul-de-sacs leading to clusters of cream-coloured mobile homes. Everything is clean and empty. I don't know where this site is - or why the place is so empty. There are signs of residency though; polished cars parked, a child's bucket, an open window, curtains moving in the breeze, and on a window-sill little objects, antiques, or cheap trinkets. I'm not sure. I can't see them properly in the siking light.