Tuesday 8 October 2013

Back Spaces

The backs of places yield strange angles, occult spaces that may be conducive to childhood myths and daydreams; alleyways, footbridges, stairs, a courtyard that, when glimpsed, may seems somehow Mediterranean. Even Brighton and Hove (most of these shots were taken in Hove), that city of surfaces and angles and no-trees, have these portals to far more interesting countries. Countries within countries. Practical wasteground, people passing through and never stay... Places half-sinister and half-comforting...
It felt like Sunday yesterday, I'm not sure why. Was one of those days beautiful and melancholy, because it surely must be one of the last few hot days of the year (though it looks fairly sunny out there this morning).
I passed through a number of places I would pass by regularly - on my way to work or home - those liminal spaces we never really notice at the time.
There was something of sleep about them, some soporific air, heavy as narcotic or waking weighed down in the depths of winter and falling slowly down into sleep again.