Wednesday 2 October 2013

Unreal Street

I went for a short walk (hour and a half) last night listening to Tor Lundvall's album 'Turning' Leaves were spat down from trees, and the darkness had that deep, sinewy quality to it that denotes we are moving ever deeper into autumn. There was about the air though, an incredibly strong feeling of early spring, those first few warm nights. Breathe in and taste that electricity of old potentials...
Toward the end of my walk I ended up taking a street down to the seafront I had never taken before. This street was amazing - all the houses were large and detached (three of four storeys) and were all painted white. No colours anywhere. There were no, or very little in the way of front gardens. It all gave it a very dream-like feel, as if I were walking through a strange district of a Mediterranean country. The white against the night-blue of the sky was quite startling.