Sunday 6 October 2013

House of Hooks and Nails

Yesterday was a day of sleep, or a state akin to sleep.
It wasn't that I was hungover, but I just felt incapable of doing anything. I did finish one drawing, and finally started another. Aside from that the day was spent in a twilight zone. I didn't even leave the house. Exhaustion-euphoria, a day-dream drift.
The house is full of nails. They were left there by the previous tenants. Stuck in every wall, used to hang pictures on. They must have had an awful lot of pictures. We've lived in this flat for over two years now, and I still discover new nails.
There is a hook on the hallway wall I have only recently noticed. I can't see what it could be used for - the gate at the top of the stairs swings open the other way. Andy said that he has only noticed the hook over the last couple of weeks as well.
It seems the house is spontaneously generating these things. I wonder if we'll find any more,