Monday 30 September 2013


Try to look for reasons why people think Mansfield Hospital is so scary, just come across people who have 'heard all the ghost stories'. People seem genuinely unnerved by the place though. I can't imagine getting into an abandoned hospital. I'm afraid my courage would fail me.
I remember drunk urban explorations with Joe, a house under construction, a bakery. the Sainsburys building site near New England House. We tried to get the security guard at the Brighton Pavilion to tell us ghost stories one night. 'Not that old thing!' he moaned (and quite rightly too).
Old rooms in old places. I'm in the spook-out zone again. My room is too messy for me to relax here.and I've got the overhead light on, gives everything the look of my room at Woodstock Drive in Ickenham. Well, my old room. I've not slept a night in there for twenty years, but I still dream of it though.
Damn, time is moving too quickly for me.
41, 41, 41.
It's October tomorrow.
Year ending, and soon, we're in the middle of this decade.